Espoo, Finland – Dedicated Network Partners’ Connection Master has passed the EN50121-4 test for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in railway applications on 30 October 2015.
Telecommunications products are regulated for electromagnetic compatibility in almost every market around the world. Connection Master now withholds an extensive set of passed standards to meet global customer requirements in power, oil and gas, local authorities and now, railways.
The EN50121-4 test sets performance criteria such as emission and immunity of signaling for telecommunications equipment connected with other equipment especially within the railways. It is utmost important for this technically complex transport environment to be safe and reliable. The electromagnetic compatibility of the Connection Master is yet another key feature in this world-class product.
“We have delivered networks for over 100+ railway customers over two decades. Dedicated Network Partners is pleased to continue supporting these well-established relationships with Connection Master”, says Antti Viro, Director, Product Management at DNWP.
Connection Master, a mission critical multiservice access platform for dedicated networks, has been the key product in DNWP’s portfolio ever since the company was established in 2012. Since then, tens of utilities in power, oil, gas, railway and mass transportation segments have taken Connection Master in commercial use, along with public security authorities.
Antti Viro in the SGS EMC laboratory together with Pekka Lappalainen, Director, R&D at DNWP
Antti Viro
Director, Product Management
tel. +358-40-8052192